
EDCI 6300

Page history last edited by Cristina 11 years, 6 months ago


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Foundations of Research

EDCI 6300

Spring 2012


Instructor: Dr. Herrera






Week 1    


Week 2

Exercise Questions. Topics 1-7

Week 2

Discussion Board - What is the Scientific Method?

Week 3

Exercise Questions. Topics 8-13

Week 3

Discussion Board - What is Deductive Reasoning?

Week 4

Exercise Questions. Topics 14-16

Week 4

Discussion Board - Problems, Issues and Dilemmas


Week 5

Exercise Questions. Topics 17-19

Week 5

Discussion Board - Boolean Searches

Boolean searches allow the user to use the boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine words and phrases to limit or redefine the search. Google, Bing and other web searchers default to boolean search but in most of the cases the person will get a lot of more articles that if he uses boolean logic operators. It will save time to use a boolean search

Week 6

Exercise Questions. Topics 20-26


Week 6

Discussion Board - Why validate a Research Problem?


Week 7

Exercise Questions. Topics 27-31


Week 7

Discussion Board - Instrumentation, Assessment and Validity


Week 8

Exercise Questions. Topics 32-36


Week 8

Discussion Board - Construct Validity: Judgmental-Empirical


Week 9

Exercise Questions. Topics 37-42


Week 9

Discussion Board - Understanding Statistics: an Introduction


Week 10

Exercise Questions. Topics 43-50


Week 10

Discussion Board - Understanding Statistics: Continued

Week 11

Exercise Questions. Topics 51-63


Week 11

Discussion Board - Understanding Statistics: Continued


Week 12

Exercise Questions. Topics 64-70


Week 12

Discussion Board


Week 13

Exercise Questions. Topics71-77


Project 1

Statement of the Research Problem


Project 2

Article Analysis Final Version


Project 3

Research Literature Synthesis


Project 4

Learning Presentation



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